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Not the Spirit of Fear

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind 

(2 Timothy 1 : 7)

Mrs. Sisca heard a lot of scary news around her. The people he knew, one by one, were infected with the Corona virus. Some are not cured and eventually die. Some have to be treated in an isolation room using a breathing apparatus. He felt that Covid-19 was so close in front of her. No longer in Wuhan, China, but in front of the fence, even at her dining table. Because of fear, Mrs. Sisca even experienced severe depression so she needed sleeping pills. Lack of rest will obviously be bad for the body’s immunity in facing virus attack.

Friends, we understand that fear can come to grip the lives of many people. This was realized by Paul so that he confirmed Timothy through his letter. As a young church leader, Timothy had many reasons to be afraid. There were many people who doubted his leadership. Moreover he has to face fake teachers, like a virus, can weaken the faith of God’s congregation. In the midst of this situation, Paul reminds that the opposite of fear is God’s spirit that awakens strength, love and sound mind. These are given by God to every believer.


Lord, fear cannot control our lives. Only God can lead our lives through strength and love. Amen

Source: https://www.ykb-wasiat.org/2021/08/09/  Jendela Hati August 9, 2021