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For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour
(Psalm 8: 5)

Mrs. Henny is 92 years old. Since June 2021 she has been unable to get out of bed. Doctors were unable to restore his ability to walk. She lives alone. A housemaid works from 10 am to evening to clean her body, provide food for her and clean the house. Mrs. Henny was lying on the bed, in the house which was locked from the outside. Lying down day and night did not lose her faith. She can still feel God’s goodness and God’s presence. Every time we visit her house, she always smiles to welcome us.

Seniors, when we are healthy, have enough wealth and have family who cares for us, life feels easy and our hearts are full of peace. At such times it is easy to say: “Praise the Lord.” But when our life are in the valley of darkness, what is our response? Many people become weak, lose their faith and hope. When we are being in that situation, remember that God our creator gave us strength to endure our problems. Whatever our situation, we are valuable in God’s eyes.

Lord, thank you that we blessed to enter a new year. You always remember us. Even we do not know what we will happen in this new year, teach us to always be grateful and keep smile to accept Your blessings. Amen.

Source: https://www.ykb-wasiat.org/2024/01/01/ Jendela Hati 1 January 2024