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A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

(Proverb 17:22)


I was amazed when I met Oma Ross. She was 91 years old but looked younger than her age. Her face was cheerful. She is still going strong on his own morning walk. She can carry a three-kilogram gas cylinder. Her memory is still clear. Her voice was loud and melodious as she sang at her 91st birthday thanksgiving service. She said she rarely got sick because she was always happy and didn’t burden the mind with problems. “The burden of the mind is the source of illness. Just joy. A happy heart will make you healthy. If there is a problem, just pray and tell God,”said Oma Ross watching her life experience.


Oma Ross is right. A joyful heart can nourish the body. However, can we be happy when faced with difficulties or hardships? Yes, as long as we come and surrender to God, pray and speak our problems to Him. The purpose of our thoughts is to God, not to problems. Don’t let the problem take hold of our whole mind. A mind filled with the burden of problems can weaken the body and gradually make us fall ill. Focus on Him through prayer, reading the Bible, and singing spiritual songs that are encouraging and comforting. Our hearts will be joyful and our bodies healthy.



God, enable us to always be on You, not on our problems, so that we can always be grateful and joyful through our old age. Amen.


Source https://www.ykb-wasiat.org/2022/10/24/  Jendela Hati 24th October 2022