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Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
(Psalm 107: 21)

Grandma Maria is around 75 years old, and is still active in doing many things. One of my grandmother’s hobbies is cooking. After buying ingredients from the vegetable seller who passed in front of her house, that morning my grandmother cooked Opor chicken, her grandson’s favorite, who was coming today. After cooking, grandma took a shower and read the Bible. Suddenly the maid who came daily ran over to Grandma and said that the gas stove that Grandma used to cook was still on, but fortunately there was no fire. Immediately, Grandma prayed to give thanks to God who protected her.

The Psalmist invites us to always be grateful for God’s faithful love which is real in our lives as experienced by Grandma Maria. God does various miraculous things in our lives, whether we realize it or not. What God wants is for us to always be grateful, acknowledge His work in our lives and glorify His greatness. Start being grateful for all things, from small things to big things. With gratitude we acknowledge that God is faithful, He never leaves us, in fact He is always willing to show us His great love.

Dear God, we are grateful for God’s never-ending care in our lives. Amen.

Source: https://www.ykb-wasiat.org/2024/03/07/ Jendela Hati 3 March 2024