But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us: for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.
Luke 24: 29
The verse of the song “Abide with Me” (KJ 329) was written by Henry Francis Lyte while he was dying of tuberculosis. Originally, the biographers about Lyte depreciate this hymn because they considered it a boring song. The melody of the song as it is known today was created by William Henry Monk, not long after his three-year-old daughter passed away. Thus, both the verses and the melody of this song are loaded with personal struggles related to suffering and death. This song becomes a prayer and hope that God will abide with us.
Elderly, many people easily become friends or want to be with us when we are happy, successful, or still have strength. However, what about the opposite time? It could be that people stay away and don’t want to be bothered or difficult because of our distress. The absence of people who are still willing to support us in times of difficulty can certainly add to our suffering. Who, then, do we wish in such conditions?
Elderly, like the two disciples who walked to Emmaus, who asked Jesus to stay with them, we can plead for the same. “When temptations come, when night falls and death approaches, let the Lord, stay with us.”
Lord, when death approaches and no other help I find, abide with me. Amen.
Source https://www.ykb-wasiat.org/2022/06/30/ Jendela Hati 30 Juni 2022